Atrial Septal Syndrome: A Case Study

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2. Treatment of atrial septal defect (ASD) depends upon the size and symptoms. The treatment is individualized as an ASD of less than 3mm usually closes spontaneously (The Merck Manual, 2006). When the defect is between 3mm and 8mm, it closes spontaneously in eighty percent of cases by the age of eighteen months. However, ASDs located in the antero-inferior aspect of the septum (ostium primum), the posterior aspect of the septum near the superior vena cava, or inferior vena cava (sinus venosus) do not close spontaneously. If the defect is very small, does not close spontaneously and the patient is asymptomatic, the treatment may be simply to monitor via an annual echocardiogram. Of course, there is a risk of patients becoming symptomatic.

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