Athens Vs Sparta

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There are many similarities and many more differences between Athens and Sparta. They were both city-states within Greece. Although these cities were both close in ancient Greece they were very different. These city-states ruled very differently and were quite opposite of each other. The differences will become more value-based than the similarities, which had purely to do circumstances, such as time period. Athens was an amazing area that promoted free thinking, hence the reason the government was a democracy. Athens had very strong values, which were of individuality, beauty, and freedom. Right away we can see that Athens was a peaceful area to live. Athens was located on Greeks peninsula which was a big reason why Athens had a very …show more content…

We have taken similar features of Athens since it seemed to work well. Athens had a direct democracy meaning that they could elect their representatives. They usually held public debates and encouraged citizens to vote and participate in the government. The slaves in Athens were most likely to be barbarians. The slaves were either born or sold into slavery, which is the not-so-pretty-aspect of Athens. Athens and Sparta, as stated before, have many different and similar aspects. For example, Sparta's values were of strength, duty, and war. They were known as the warrior state and their focuses were of-course war and the strength to fight. Sparta would usually travel by foot since they were not surrounded by water. Since Sparta was not surrounded by water, Sparta was not as open to foreigners as Athens. This also applies to the spread of Ideas, which Sparta was not fond of. Sparta's government was way different than Athens. Their government was a monarchy, meaning they were ruled by a king. Unlike Athens, the citizens were not encouraged to speak. They had very strict laws and did not encourage anything besides war. Some of the strict laws consist of “no outsiders are welcomed”, “no one is allowed to travel”,

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