At Last Analysis

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From the beginning of her performance until the song At Last starts (2:30) Beyoncé sings and talks about change that needs to happen in the world. Her performance consists of four of her most popular songs, one song of hers that I haven’t heard of, and two covers of famously known songs by other artists. All throughout the performance of the song At Last there were quotes from powerful women and also pictures of many other women who have made a change in society flashing in the background. The transition between At Last and If I Were a Boy (5:24-7:10) she shows a clip of one of her music videos with a message about being who you are and not letting anyone bring you down. Throughout the song If I Were a Boy (7:15-11:25) the violins use pizzicato in the background while Beyoncé’s …show more content…

She also encourages the fans to sing along and even stops singing some lyrics to hear the crowd singing. For example, after a dramatic pause before the last note of If I Were a Boy (10:48-10:53) she holds out the microphone to have the crowd finish the lyric. During the song Crazy in Love (11:35-14:45) she brings out backup dancers and all of them dance throughout the song. Since this is one of her most known song this causes the crowd to sing and dance along. The crowd goes wild when she brings out her husband Jay-Z to rap his part of the song (13:11-13:55). She uses multiple flashing lights, crazy backgrounds, and fog to amp up the crowd during the song. The transition (13:56-15:30) between the songs Crazy in Love and Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It) consisted of Beyoncé encouraging the crowd to cheer louder. The song Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It) is her most popular song to dance to and that was shown by the crowd dancing her popular dance routine all throughout the song. She once again brings out dancers and dances her famous routine to the song. In the middle of the song she incorporates another song that is unfamiliar to me

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