Assess The Importance Of Feedback In Relation To Personal And Professional Development

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The observation cycle starts with planning, which is then implemented, followed by evaluating what has taken place, and recording the results. You then review what has been done and create an action plan, which takes you back to the planning. The observation cycle enables you to see what works best and avoid repeating the same mistakes again. Whether you are the observer or the person being observed it is important to plan what is going to be implemented before the lesson begins. This gives a clear idea of what needs to be looked at and helps to provide structure and prevent wasting time on things that aren’t relevant. Once the observation has taken place the evaluation should be recorded in whichever method suits the type of findings best, which then provides information to be reviewed. The review is a crucial part of …show more content…

The pressure of being observed can inspire people to be more confident in themselves, and gives out a sense of achievement once done. If you are able to go through an observation then you may feel more confident in your teaching abilities which could encourage you to take on more responsibilities. Self-reflection is a key part of improving professional development and can assist you in identifying what steps you need to take next to reach your targets. Receiving feedback allows you to self-reflect and discover what improvements you could make, as well as informing you of what you are best at. Knowing what you are good at is extremely beneficial as along with improving your self-esteem and giving you a confidence boost, it also gives you an idea of what new roles you could consider taking on in the future. Understanding your weaknesses is also a positive aspect of improving your professional development as it tells you which areas you need to focus on and using the feedback, gives you targets to set for yourself. Setting targets is

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