Artificial Intelligence: The Development Of Intelificial Intelligence

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Literature Review
What makes us different from other species is our intelligence.This is what makes us distinct and has brought us all the way where we are today providing us all the necessary aid to get past all the obstacles in our way.With the time passing we have improved our knowledge so much that we have created tools to complete our needs.Because of the great technological advancements they have reached a point where they are actually better than us in most of the work fields. The need and the desire to push ourselves even further made us create a better version of ourselves (The artificial intelligence or as we know it the AI).

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The development of AI is increasing every day. Our jobs are being made more easier,our …show more content…

They can adjust their parameters such as their speed and time, and be made to act quickly, unaffected by factors that affect humans. Emotions that often intercept rational thinking of a human being are not a hindrance for artificial thinkers. Lacking the emotional side, robots can think logically and take the right decisions. Sentiments are associated with moods that affect human efficiency. This is not the case with machines with artificial intelligence.One of the main disadvantages of artificial intelligence is the cost incurred in the maintenance and repair. Programs need to be updated to suit the changing requirements, and machines need to be made smarter. In case of a breakdown, the cost of repair may be very high. Procedures to restore lost code or data may be time-consuming and costly.An important concern regarding the application of artificial intelligence is about ethics and moral values. Is it ethically correct to create replicas of human beings? Do our moral values allow us to recreate intelligence? Intelligence is a gift of nature. It may not be right to install it into a machine to make it work for our benefit.The fact that machines follow a certain program to do their work would mean that putting a robot in a workplace where a creative mind is required it would not complete its job.Do you think robots can excel or even compete the human mind in creative thinking or originality? Thinking machines lack a

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