Art And Racism Essay

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Do you believe art should be utilized to assist in preventing racism? Art should be used to prevent racism and it can have multiple benefits for society such as ridding of segregation and stereotypes. By defining the necessity to realize racism is an important issue in today's society, by refuting counterarguments that art can’t heavily influence an individual's opinions and actions, and by presenting sound arguments and documented evidence delineating racism, one will be persuaded that art should be used to put an end to racism.

The importance of racism should not be overlooked. Racism can be experienced by anyone at anytime, as well as give them false ideas of others. “People who experiences racism can suffer ongoing feelings of sadness, anger, depression, not wanting to trust others, headaches, sweating, muscle tension, constant fear of others.” (Galang). Art is particularly influential to ordinary citizens that view all different forms of art, such as music, film, literature, paintings, and photography. Society should not bully others based on skin color or to make people feel hated because it’s unnecessary and has zero benefits for anyone. Others may believe that art most definitely cannot affect one’s opinion. “Most films that broach the …show more content…

Art can come into many forms but the most popular and diverse way is through music. Some believe racism is glorified through the music and reinforces the stereotypes. “explicit imagery in music videos devalues black music and black people by reinforcing racist stereotypes.” (Johnson). There are a select few artists out there that do include stereotypes in their lyrics, that is agreeable. However, in reality it is apparent that in the music industry, record labels sign young naive artists to make that type of music to make a quick buck. “Nothing you can argue negates the fact that what these labels are marketing is toxic, criminal, and racist.”

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