Arlington National Cemetery Research Paper

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The Arlington National Cemetery is a national military cemetery made to honor soldiers who have passed away. The Arlington National Cemetery is located in Arlington,Virginia. The national cemetery is approximately 624 acres filled with thousands of fallen soldiers. Many people should visit the Arlington National Cemetery it will teach you to respect the soldiers who have sacrificed their lives.
History Of Arlington
George Washington was an important piece to the United States history,he was the first president of the United States. In the Arlington National Cemetery there is a living memorial for George Washington. George’s wife Martha Dandridge had an impact on the United States just like her husband George . The Washington’s were involved …show more content…

In 1921 the United States Congress approved the burial of an unknown soldier from World War I. A sarcophagus was placed above the grave of the Unknown Soldier from World War I. On all four sides of the sarcophagus there is inscriptions. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is guarded at all times in case of someone trying to vandalize the soldiers graves,the guard is changed every hour of the day. In 1946 the United States Congress approved the burial of a unknown soldier from World War II. The president at the time chose the soldier to be buried in Arlington. Then ten years later in 1956 Congress approved for a unknown soldier from the Korean War be buried at Arlington. The Department of Army chose the body to buried in Arlington. A unknown service member was chosen to represent the Vietnam War. In May of 1984 the body of an unknown soldier from the Vietnam War was transported into the U.S to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Michael Blassie served was an officer in the U.S Air Force. Blassie wasn’t identified until he was buried at the Tomb of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The inscription on the Vietnam’s unknown grave is “Honoring and Keeping Faith with America’s Missing

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