Arguments Against Veganism

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With a dwindling supply of land and natural resources, it has become imperative to develop a sustainable lifestyle. More and more people are deciding to give up their animal products, whether that be meats, oils, and other byproducts, and moving on to a vegan lifestyle to preserve the environment they grew up with for future generations. Those people feel good knowing that they’ve made a difference in the global environment through smaller sacrifices. The debate to go vegan or not is currently escalating, as the opposition is challenging the trend by defending man’s way of life for thousands of years. Despite the fact that many critics support veganism for its sustainability, statistics show that veganism does not have a widespread global impact because it will not save the environment on it’s own, doesn’t provide adequate nutrition …show more content…

As stated by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, “In one serving, meat provides all the essential amino acids (the building blocks of protein), as well as essential nutrients such as iron, zinc, and B vitamins.” According to a Feb. 7, 2014 study by researchers at the Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology, vegetarians “suffer significantly more often from anxiety disorder and/or depression.” Not only do foods provide us with nutrients to keep us healthy and functioning, they also provide chemicals that can influence moods. Serotonin, one of those chemicals, help regulate mood, behavior, appetite, and sleep amongst others. It is most commonly found in protein high foods, primarily meats. Vegans are even more vulnerable compared to vegetarians, because they can have absolutely nothing related to animals. Except the grass they eat. Without the necessary chemicals to retain happiness, vegans will begin to slip into depression. And without the proper help, depression can lead to self-harm or

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