Persuasive Essay On Being A Vegetarian

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Many people have always wondered why people who had always ate meat their entire lives, decide to become vegetarians. People would presume that they wanted to lose weight, become healthier, or even just to try it out. Several would say non-vegetarianism is healthier and could help your body; however, vegetarians can be healthy too by what they eat and how much they eat of that particular food. Although I eat meat and I’m not a vegetarian, being a vegetarian can help your body in more ways than one and have many advantages in helping your body. Many become vegetarians to remove non-healthy things from their body, are animal lovers, or even religious or cultural reasons. To become healthy, many people try becoming vegetarians to clean their …show more content…

They start feeling terrible and feel like something should be done. In order for that to happen, they believe becoming a vegetarian will help them. Over 56 million farmed animals are killed every year by humans and more than 3,000 of those animals are killed every second in slaughterhouses around the world. Humans should know that animals are a part of this earth and deserve respect and to live their lives. By becoming a vegetarian or vegan, people around the world can save up to 95 animals a year and thousands during a lifetime. (Animal Equality) An Increase amount of animal activists are becoming vegetarians in order to save many animals. This can also help them with having a lower risk in health issues, like previously stated. Vegetarians are also helping the environment and world hunger-problems due to the fact that water, land, and energy are need to provide for a person on a vegetarian-diet than an animal-based diet. (Primer on Animal Rights) People around the world should understand that if billons of animals are killed every year, you won’t have any more animals later on in the future and people will then realize that saving the animals should have been a main

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