Arguments Against Transgender Bathrooms

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Transgender Bathrooms: A World Free of Labels

As time progresses, labels seem to become bigger and brighter. Society holds strong labels on weight, fashion choices, income, and religion. However, gender and sexual orientation seem to hold the strongest labels in today’s society. With the addition of transgender bathrooms, the concrete label of gender to be torn down. Men and Women no longer have to worry about the gender society labels them, but the gender they label themselves. Transgender bathrooms’ contain potential to change the world for the better. One of the main arguments against transgender bathrooms blames these bathrooms for the increased rate of crime and sexual offenses. However, “the nation’s leading organizations dedicated to stopping violence against women signed a letter saying that this argument is a myth (Steinmetz 7)”. Jody Herman, a woman participating in a study to discover who is at risk with transgender bathrooms, stated, “as far as we know there hasn’t been some sort of, you know, developing into chaos in restrooms”. Herman’s studies prove that these accusations of increased crime cannot be taken seriously. The increase of sexual offenses cannot be …show more content…

Since the beginning, the United States has claimed to be a country of widespread freedom. However, this freedom becomes nonexistent when citizens lack the freedom to use their bathroom of choice. If this freedom became implemented across the country, various benefits would begin to arise. Wait times for women would instantly decrease due to the increase in availability of stalls. The ability of a family to use the bathroom would become much easier because of the gender neutrality. Transgender’s uncomfortable decision of which bathroom to use would immediately cease. These few examples do not come close to encompassing the amount of benefits gender neutral bathrooms bring to

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