Arguments Against Legalizing Prostitution

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When it comes to the topic on whether prostitution should be legalized, some of us will readily agree that prostitution should be legalized. Where this argument usually ends, however, is on the question of what benefits does legalizing prostitution have to the people working as prostitutes and to the country. Whereas some are convinced that prostitution is morally wrong and would only exploit prostitutes, others maintain that prostitution has many health, safety and economic benefits. I agree that prostitution should be legalized because legalized prostitution can protect women as well as men from abuse and violence, it can decrease the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and it can be added as revenue for the government. One main reason …show more content…

If prostitution were to be legalized the prostitutes would not be controlled by their pimps any more. Prostitutes would not have to go out and work in the streets which is very dangerous for them, “Criminalizing sex work worldwide doesn't stop it or even reduce it. It just drives it underground and makes it more dangerous for the workers”. While working in the street prostitutes run the risk of being raped, of not receiving payment, of having unprotected sex, being physically injured, and maybe even death. Some examples are “A study of San Francisco found that 82 percent of prostitutes have been assaulted and 68 percent raped. Another study in Colorado Spring found that prostitutes were 18 times more likely to be murdered than people who do not prostitute “, this lets us know that if there is something that can be done to keep the prostitutes safe than it should be done since they are at a higher risk of being in danger. Making a safe environment is a positive change that would only benefit the prostitutes, “However, I think the evidence that women working on their own are putting themselves in danger is powerful, and recognize that this is not something that is going to be solved

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