Exploring Perspectives: The Ethics of Abortion

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Social Ethics Argumentative Paper Many people have often questioned, is abortion is right? If you’re prolife or prochoice then the debate has been happening for years. Prolife believes that a baby has the right to live and that abortion is murder. Prochoice believes that a woman has the right to choose for herself what happens to her body and believes that abortion is a choice. I believe that abortion is always right.
This is the outline for my basic argument that will support my thesis. Premise 1: Abortion is always right. Premise 2: If a woman is raped and is pregnant by her rapist baby. Conclusion: Therefore abortion is always right because no woman should have to suffer the trauma into having her rapist child. The reason this is accurate …show more content…

Premise 2: If the woman’s life was in danger by the pregnancy than she has the right to terminate the pregnancy. Conclusion: Therefore, abortion is always right because if the mother’s life is in danger what choice does she have in order to be alive.
Even if the mother wants her child, this is a hard choice because if she does try to carry this pregnancy full term there’s a possibility she and the baby could die and then the family would have to deal with two losses in the family the mother and the unborn child. This scenario could have been prevented if the mother would have terminated the pregnancy by having an abortion.
Premise 1: Abortion is always right. Premise 2: If the child’s life is in danger then it is okay to terminate the pregnancy. Conclusion: Therefore, abortion is always right because if the fetus is suffering from a terminal illness like HIV/AIDS and could die years down the road when he or she is born. Why put the family in such an emotional trauma into losing a child or a loved one? Why watch this suffer from being alive when it is easier to terminate the pregnancy now instead of dealing with the trauma. No person wants to watch their child suffer and knowing they cannot do anything about it when they had a chance to end it by terminating the

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