Argumentative Essay: The Impact Of Sexual Harassment On Women

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Imagine this, you're walking down the street in your favorite outfit feeling as confident as ever and then, suddenly, you're hollered by a man beside you or from across the street telling you how hot or fine you look. You no longer feel comfortable in what you're wearing because of his demeaning compliment. Obviously, you spend the day thinking of the unpleasant encounter you had and you think about heading back home to change. Men, boys should not make comments about women or girls on the street because it can vary as sexual harassment, it can make women self conscious of themselves and women can be offended by these comments.
Consequently, men commenting on women can vary as sexual harassment because of what the man might say to her. A man can comment on the woman's body or just their face, and the way they approach it can be seen as sexual in the way he says it making the women uncomfortable. When men comment on women on the street it does not mean it's a compliment only if the woman accept this, if not it is classified as sexual harassment. A woman dressed in dark clothes and minimal makeup walks around New York City for ten hours and still receives 100 plus “compliments” all ranging from ‘Damn’ and ‘You should be thankful he called you beautiful.’ During the video she was prohibited from saying anything in response to these approaches …show more content…

The offensive compliments can vary from a simple ‘How's your day’ and ‘How are you doing.’ You might be wondering why those can be offensive well it's because if a woman does not believe that a man does not actually care for what he is asking then it can be offensive. Also a man wouldn't be interested in their day if he's yelling this “compliment” from across the street or simply walking past her. A point often overlooked, offensive compliments are many and vary widely depending on how they are said and the way the are perceived by the women who receive

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