Argumentative Essay: Should The Government Monitor Social Media?

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"Is it against your individual rights for the government to monitor your social media? This is the question that is very controversial among government officials and the people of the U.S.. Some people believe that this is unconstitutional but others think that it is necessary for keeping us safe. The government has no right to monitor people’s social media because we have the freedom of speech, it invades people’s privacy, and it is unconstitutional. The government wants to try to keep the people of the U.S. safe but they may also be invading our privacy.

Students are being punished by their schools for things on their social media. This is unconstitutional because it conflicts with the First Amendment, freedom of speech. Although the first amendment does not cover all speech as free, the schools should not be allowed to discipline their students for something they said or did off school property. This is also unconstitutional because it conflicts with the fourth amendment, unreasonable searches and seizures of a someones private and personal belongings. This is also unconstitutional because if the school does not have a probable reason to search through a students social media then they should not be able to punish them for what is put on their social media. There are arguments for monitoring students social media. One of the arguments is that the schools are just trying to keep the other students that attend the schools safe. Another argument is to help prevent …show more content…

State governments are making it easier for employers to monitor potential employee’s social media. If your employer thinks that there is something on your social media that is considered dangerous, they can report it to the state. This invades a person’s privacy because the employers have no right to look through someone’s social media that is not even their employee yet. There needs to be a law passed to ensure people’s privacy from these

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