Argumentative Essay: Should Students Get Paid For College?

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“Go to school and get good grades, so you can get into good colleges. Also make sure you are studying hard for standardized tests, all meanwhile being actively involved in your school and community, so you can get scholarships to pay for college”. This phrase may be one you have heard more than once in your life—which if not for you, then for many others, put a sense of determination to get good grades, and do well in school. It all seems like a straight path to success, until you are at the crossroads that is college. Suddenly, you are bombarded with the problem of paying for college. And although you did get scholarship, those are not enough—so you turn to loans. Each year as the scholarships lower, the loans increase, until you finish school. …show more content…

To lower tuition taxes will have to be increased, which many people believe to be a waste of money seeing that many are likely to drop out and not obtain their degree. Many also believe that the real reason behind our crippling student debt is the fact that there is no limit on student loans—whether you need them or not, you can take out as many as you want—many of which are not paid by the students; once again leaving the tax payers to make up for the lost. Nevertheless, there are many countries around the world that have adjusted their taxes to offer free college tuition. In Germany as tuition costs lowered to a point or nonexistence, enrollment rose almost 22%. Likewise, the citizens of Germany became concerned towards the education, with a large group wanting to reinstate tuition; but once told that most graduates make 40% more than non-graduate, the citizens agreed. Meeting in the middle ground however proved to benefit everyone—the gradates would pay back their tuition once they had steady jobs, requiring them to give a portion of their income back to the college. Although the taxes in Germany are larger than those of the U.S., the numbers only differ by 3-5%, showing that this is a doable solution for

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