Argumentative Essay: Religion's Role In Theater

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Every passing day, fewer people appreciate theater. Most of the time, we prefer watching Netflix over a stage performance. Because it easier, you don’t have to get up drive to the arena, plus it will probably cost you less, depending on the play you are going to see. With Netflix you have access to thousands of movies with a click of a button. Theater companies giving discounts to students, senior, veterans or even giving away free tickets. Because people react to incentives, they are trying to lure people into the stage. Sometimes, they promote “pay what you can” deals to save people from paying a price that they can’t afford. The United States is a developed country so every day, people have better life standards like watching their homes, …show more content…

Today, it is not as effective as it used to be. Globalization brings cultures together. People visit places, either for studying or a vacation, when they travel they bring their cultures with them. Now, every society knows something about other cultures. People have some idea on existence of different cultures and religions. Sometimes they learn it by experiencing themselves when they travel or when they have a friend from a different religion. Unfortunately, sometimes they learn through the news, because the conflict between that two religions caused a problem and that is why it is on the news. Because people are getting more and more information about other religions, I don’t think religion will play an important role in theater. When I look at the plays that are playing around the Bay Area, the amount of religion is just a small portion of the productions elements. The distinctive component is not the religion, it is the language and history. When the play gets modernized, the more recently it is the less religion it will have in it. Recent productions don’t focus on religion anymore, because religions are disappearing as the time goes. More people isolating from their religions, the number of believers are decreasing in the

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