Essay On Hypocrisy In Moliere's Tartuffe

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Hypocrisy is a character trait, and to some it 's clear Tartuffe is called a hypocrite right from the start. The more we 're told about Tartuffe ,the more apparent his hypocrisy becomes. Meantime, hypocrisy it represents the deception of others and is thus a lie. However, it can be a difficult act to pull off, but Tartuffe doesn 't do a particularly good job of convincing anyone. Yet, he still succeeds in misleading them. Religion was one of the themes displayed in Molieres play Tartuffe. It was one of the main subject throughout the play, and Molière himself joked about religion in the sense of making a mockery of it. In the play it made fun of those who used religion to influence others in getting what they it states in the …show more content…

Tartuffe has already managed to have Oregon distancing himself from his own family, then Tartuffe started plotting both to seduce Oregons wife Elmire and scheming to marry his daughter Marianne Right off the bat his malicious ways was brought to light. Elmire saw Tartuffe for what he was and eventually decided to expose Tartuffe for the fraud he really is. Tartuffe’s character illustrates how unpredictable and convincing a person a hypocrite can be. Orgon the father of Mariane, Husband of Elimire and the son of Madame Pernelle. Oregon was a foolish idiot who fell for Tartuffe’s hypocrisy failed to see him for what he was. He praised the ground Tartuffe walked on. Orgon believed Tartuffe was religious beyond measures.The real deal he was said Orgon. Throughout the play Orgon seemed to care more about Tartuffe than his family. You can say that he put them on the back burner. Oregon neglected his wife, harassed his daughter Mariane telling her that Tartuffe would be the perfect man for her to marry, and disown his son Damis. Tartuffe have been an influence on him a negative one, and it put him in a position to give off a negative energy towards his family, how foolish can one man

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