Argumentative Essay On Titanic

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“Unsinkable ship?” I think not. The Titanic sank on April 14,1912. One of the most famous ships around took two hours and forty minutes. In the North Atlantic Ocean. Water was 28 degrees fahrenheit when it was under water completely. Another interesting fact is it took around 2 years and 3,000 men to build. There is a lot more interesting things you may not know about the titanic. So continue reading to find out more. This paragraph will give more information about the people on the titanic. 11:40 pm ship's time it sank,many lives 1,503 to be exact. 425 women and 316 survived. Harland and Wolff where the people who built the titanic. The ship was supposed to be unsinkable so they didn’t even think about putting life boats on the ship. Thankfully there were 20 lifeboats that saved people. No one is currently alive that survived the last living survivor was “Millvina Dean, has died at 97 years old. As a 2 month old baby, Dean was the youngest passenger on board.” There was many rich and many poor people on the ship the poorest people stayed in 3rd class so the tickets costed only $40 but first class costed around $4,350. 3rd class was the lowest deck/bottom of ship with the 2nd in the middle and 1st on the top. …show more content…

It was Captain Edward J. Smith. Captain was born on January 27,1850 in England. Edward had a child named Helen Melville Smith. Like many other captains he was rich and was an RD, was a British Merchant Navy Officer. Smith was awoken by the impact of the ship and iceberg. The situation was handled the best he could by saving as many people as possible. Smith was one of the best captains at the time but did not pay enough attention to icebergs. Although he died on the ship no one is absolutely sure how. Some say he shot himself on the bridge others say he drowned after trying to get a child on a

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