Argumentative Essay On Residential Schools

796 Words2 Pages

Samantha Penney

November 7, 2017

Social Studies 10-1

Mrs. Cox

Some of the people who would agree with the building of residential schools is the government because they thought that they were providing First Nation children with a good education and healthy lifestyle. First nations might disagree with the government. In the 1800’s the Canadian government decided to open residential schools to assimilate First Nations into being like them. In the source there is a quote about residential schools, it states it is unfair to judge a government's actions from a “modern perspective’, and that Canadian residential schools “provided good teaching”, and gave the children a place to be cared for. It also made the point that the church was …show more content…

The federal government’s attempt to wipe out Aboriginal cultures failed, But it left an urgent need for reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities with Residential school system was consolidated by the federal government in the 19th century, from then on it was mostly funded by the government, overseen by government officials and run by various churches, The Residential school system was rooted in principle, the government's determination to provide education to Indigenous children. The policy was often aimed at assimilating a population often understood as an obstacle to the nation. Not all residential schools abused the children they had taken , their entire purpose was to erase the indian out of them and to know more about canadian culture. It is unfair to judge the government's actions from a modern perspective only because their current point of view towards the situation has changed since it last shutdown in 1996, the residential schools opened in the early 1930’s with more than 17,000 enrolled students in 80 schools. In the modern days residential schools were government sponsored …show more content…

clothes were clean and the meals were something that the children enjoyed. Children from residential schools have left with more canadian culture, good training, and good language. The indian residential school affects all canadians, our society condoned the forcible removal of children from their families and home communities, many had an abusive and horrifying experience and some did not have it that bad. I believe that there is a lot more horrible things that overrule the good things in residential schools. The government ran the schools and the church continued the law, children were taught how to take care of themselves everyday, they taught them how to belong and according to the source gave them a good education

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