Argumentative Essay On Kimie Maxfeld

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Sammie Shade
College Prep
18 April 2018
If the Glove Don’t Fit “He seemed to me as a good person, no scandals under him. Just a famous running back.” Those are the words of Kim Shade, a woman who was just a young adult at the time of the O.J Simpson trials. With only a few memories of her grandfather meeting the famous football star, she always thought he would be the last person to commit such a gruesome murder. “It was so brutal, so filled with anger, it was just unbelievable.” The thought of a celebrity doing such a horrible action brought Kim to utter shock. This lead to asking herself questions, “Why would someone do this? Jeopardize their career?” Kim Shade, as a teenager Kimmie Maxfield, grew up in the buzzing city of Florissant. …show more content…

Out in the world, working a union job, and even cooked her own meals. One would say she was a very independent woman. Her house was just a few blocks from her childhood home. The street she lived on was a quiet one, nothing never really happened. Then, after working one particular day, Kim headed back to her cozy house to settle down on her couch and watch TV. She wanted to catch up on what happened throughout the day, she decided to watch her local news. The announcement of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman upset her. The woman’s name sounded familiar but could not put a finger on it. Until, the accusiton of O.J Simpson popped up on her TV. “At first I said, ‘What? No way.’ Him murdering his ex-wife and her boyfriend just did not sound like something a famous football star would do you know?” (Shade) As every other person, her first instinct was to call her mother, and so she did. “Even my mother could not believe it” (Shade). It was news that nobody really …show more content…

Since the announcement of the verdict, O.J Simpson has not a clean life. In 2007, Simpson was arrested in Las Vegas, Nevada, and charged with the felonies of armed robbery and kidnapping.In 2008, he was convicted and sentenced to 33 years imprisonment, with a minimum of nine years without parole (Vanity Fair). Many people believe he has now been given the jail time he deserves for such a horrendous crime years ago. Kim Shade is now 46 years old and has now been married for almost 18 years, and is raising two children. She finally moved from her hometown of Florissant to the smaller town of Troy, Missouri. When O.J’s name pops in a conversation around her, Kim’s first thought is “ Wow, I still can’t believe he got away with it. I really think he did do it” (Shade). Life for her has changed dramatically since the O.J Simpson trials.
Now with two children of her own, Kim is much more aware of the surroundings of her and her kids. She thinks about people like O.J Simpson, who are accused of such horrible crimes and realizes that some of those types of people are still out there in the world. The world where her children are living their everyday lives. “Every sick, demented, lunatic, who commits a crime like this makes you wonder, ‘What kind of world did I bring them (children) into?’ And how can I have protect them? How can they have a good life with all this bad in the world”

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