Argumentative Essay On Iraq War

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America has a long history of getting involved in other country’s governments, politics and wars. “The history of Afghanistan suggests that we are not equipped to make over the country to our liking, and the history of the United States suggest that Americans give up these war efforts sooner rather than later.”-(H.D.S Greenway) Deploying masses of troops off to a distant land to defend the idea of freedom and effects of deploying American troops are harmful to the nation. Not only does it cause hundreds of thousands of deaths but also costs the United States billions of dollars to fund the war efforts that only hurt the country we try to help, angering locals and feeding fuel to the fire that is terrorism. Many families are without fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and other family members because the United States has sent them over seas to fight …show more content…

Every month ever-more American and Iraqi soldiers were being killed.” Joel Brinkley tells us how the presence has influenced terrorism instead of stomping it out “It showed that the war is breeding violent insurgent cells across the Arab world. Some of these insurgents intend to join the fight against the United States in Iraq.” Many oppose democracy and the western ways, or plan to exploit the democratic ideals “[…] to loiter in Iraq to improve the instincts of corrupt officials.” George Will explains how America is being used. So why does Americans keep trying to force democracy on them, and onto the corrupt officials who solely look to democracy as a way to keep themselves in power. While civilian casualties cause many locals to raise and join the extremist groups to fight the American troops deployed. The tides continue to turn against the U.S. and help breed its

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