Argumentative Essay On Illegal Immigrants

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Visualize that you are a person planning on leaving your home country because you are in a tough situation . For instance, there is an ongoing war and you don’t feel safe. While many people around the world deal with this problem and plan on immigrating to the United States in order to find hope and try to have a superior life than before, however many of these immigrants that come here are illegal. The United States should require a fair policy on illegal immigrants here are the reasons why: they’re misunderstood, they act like loyal citizens, and they want to pursue the American dream. To begin with, even though the media talks about how many illegal immigrants smuggle drugs, they forget about the nice illegal immigrants which shows how they are misunderstood. For instance, Donald Trump made it look like mexicans are bad people. I know this from experience, because over the past few years I’ve seen students getting teased about crossing the border illegally because of their ethnicity. Furthermore, many people states that illegal immigrants are the people taking away american jobs. However, the truth is that the owners of american companies are buying all their products overseas because it is cheaper to make over there, which is producing fewer jobs for americans. …show more content…

In others words, an example is most immigrants pay their taxes which keeps them out of debt and also shows that you obey the laws. Additionally, many people believe that immigrants bring to violence. I can see your point on crime, on the other hand, on research shows that natural born citizens are mostly likely to cause crime. Keep on reading on in order to see the final reason why the U.S government should not have a tough policy on illegal

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