Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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The United States is a great country that has the most liberal in the world, but the freedom of using guns is a problem to resolve for the Government of the United States. According Bloomberg, there are 33.000 people die from guns every year in the U.S that involve one-third of casualties due to someone having a gun killed by conspirators, the rest are the suicides by gun or death due to carelessness with firearms (E. Deprez). To a certain extent I agree that the United States needs to implement stricter laws on gun control is necessary; however, I also think that the gun control restrictions will affect to human’s rights. In my view, the tightening of gun control will help reduce crime. For example, the United Kingdom is the country with strictest law gun control in the world, so this country has low gun crime although the violent crime use knife rate is high (Guns in America). If you take a look the news on media about the robberies in the banks or stores in America, you will consider that almost the robbers use gun to menace. So, the tightening of gun control will ensure the safety of resident. Also, restrictions on gun will make the terrors with gun or the mass murder by gun can’t happen. The serial killers usually occur because of psychological. In 2012 a young men with abnormal mental shot …show more content…

The problem in gun control doesn’t involve to gun, because it’ about people who use gun. I strongly agree with the statement that “Guns do not kill people, people kill people”. According the Washington Post, there are 270 million guns in the U.S with different types of gun (Ingraham). The average estimate that for 1000 inhabitants have to 900 guns; however, one-third of American families have guns in their house to protect themselves or even hunting animals. So, if American government implement stricter law gun control, the good people can’t protect themselves in dangerous

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