Argumentative Essay On Feeding America

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Hearing your stomach growling is such a distasteful sound, the feeling of emptiness. The absence of energy, and stomach aches that are caused by not eating in a few hours seem to aggravate you way more than it should. It is an easy problem to fix though, walk up to the fridge. Tossing the spoiled lettuce, and other leftovers away to get the fresh food in the back. You sit down, and eat as much as you please. Throwing out whatever you don't finish which, can sometimes be a whole portion itself. You feel no remorse, there is more food in the fridge. Nobody is going to starve in the house without that right? While you are correct, nobody in that house is starving; although there are forty-one million, men, women, child, and elderly who would have …show more content…

“41 million people struggle with hunger in the United States, including 13 million children. In 2015, 5.4 million seniors struggled to afford enough to eat.” Quoted from “Hunger and Poverty Facts.” Feeding America. While we throw out not balk to throw out food, child, child of our own are starving somewhere. In hopes to combat the starving children, programs have been set up at schools to hopefully get them food, but what happens when they don’t attend school, they miss a day, or not know about these programs. When they aren't at school children with parents who want to put food on the table, (Which may not be the case in some situations.) May rely on government programs like SNAP/Food Stamp, which not only destroys our economy, but it provides ‘cheap’ and ‘unhealthy’ options for these people. At least they have food, but what happens with the lack of proper nutrients. “59% of food-insecure households participated in at least one of the major federal food assistance program…” A fact brought to us by “Hunger and Poverty Facts.” Feeding America. We as Americans, waste food that does not taste, look, smell, or seem undesirable. “... American consumer wastes 10 times as much food as someone in Southeast Asia…” ( We can’t handle ‘unacceptable’ food, and this is why people are starving. As you see in our stores, the ugly food is touched a pushed to the …show more content…

The average family throws out $130 to $230 worth of food a month. It’s fairly easy to tell that throwing out that extra stem of broccoli that you “planned on eating”, is going to be costing you quite a bit of money. In 2016 there were 40.6 million people sitting below the poverty lines. Think about all of the money that could be saved as well as the people. America has approximately 327 million citizens and 40.6 million are “poor”, that means that 1/8th of our population could be getting more financial aid. Instead of mindlessly wasting both food and money we could be preserved both for the people who need it most. The majority of middle and high class citizens don’t think twice about how much money they could be saving by making simple changes. It’s not that hard to get the most bang for your buck. Per household , having 2-3 people, the average money loss per day is $2.56/days. It doesn’t seem like that much, however, that’s $936 per year! Just by simply leaving behind that stem of broccoli that’s on sale, that you know you won’t eat, could possibly save you

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