Argumentative Essay On Electric Cars

652 Words2 Pages

The world is changing quickly, and what looked like a science-fiction fantasy is gradually becoming our current reality. All around the world, electric cars are becoming very popular and it’s easy to see why. The environmental impact that gasoline powered vehicles has is major to our earth and its inhabitants. Even when people use electricity to power their vehicles and the electricity comes from coal-burning plants, electric cars would cut carbon dioxide emissions by as much as 22 percent when compared to gasoline cars. If we can make any effort at all to save our planet, then we should take those opportunities using the advancements that have been invented. People who are against buying electric cars might say that electric cars have a very steep purchase price and not everybody can afford them. In response to them, I would say that electric cars do not have an oil engine. Instead of an engine they have batteries, making electric cars very inexpensive to maintain. Electric cars do not need any oil changes, and their brake pads won’t have to be replaced as often as gas-powered vehicles. In addition to not needing to keep up with maintenance costs, there are also state incentives to buying an electric car. Currently, there are two incentives …show more content…

When you use gas-powered vehicles, not only are they hurting the earth but, they are also hurting your wallet. The average american spends around $2,000 per year on gasoline alone. Electric cars run on electricity; in most parts of the world electricity is ubiquitous and cheap. You’ll often hear people complaining about the price of gas. Imagine never having to drive to another gas station to fill up your tank. On top of that, another thing that people complain about is how cars get low gas mileage. Again, in an electric car, you won’t have to worry about having low gas

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