Argumentative Essay On Depression

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I 've exerted every possible action to try and talk to you. You want nothing to do with me and that 's something I 've come to terms with. You kept me optimistic at the lowest point in my life. The loss of an old friend triggered one of the longest and hardest bipolar episodes I 've had to endure. It 's a very personal and uneasy topic but I 'm doing this as a way of having some sort of closure.
You were the first person I told I was going to start therapy and you never judged me. No one knew besides my family, I didn 't want pity or want to be seen as vulnerable and weak. You never treated me any different, if anything I felt a stronger bond and trust of you.
Depression itself is a battle. I felt sad at all times and I didn 't know why …show more content…

Up to that point I had never experienced anything even remotely close to this turbulence that was going on inside my head. My moods would change in a matter of hours, which lead to the crazy out of control messages I 'd send in anger and instantly regret. It 's hard to explain and understand how your mind works when you’re going through a bipolar episode. The intensified uncontrollable feelings while your mind is exhausted with endless thoughts. The constant anxiety and heightened emotions. My only relief was with prescription pills which made me feel brain dead or trying to sleep for hours on end, so I wouldn’t have to deal with my …show more content…

I was jealous when you would go out without me. Demanding answers to things that had nothing to do with me. I didn 't want to share you. Bursts of anger whenever I 'd see snapchats of you hanging out with others. I was mostly jealous of your happiness something that I had been longing to have but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t be. That was completely unfair to you. You shared your happiness with me and somehow knew what to say. You gave me hope that things were going to get better. I was scared to lose you because I didn 't know if I had the courage to go on by myself. You are one of the most intelligent people I know. Before my mind went into disarray I felt we shared similar ideologies. I needed this constant communication with you to make me feel like the decisions I was making were valid and reasonable. My insecurities made me paranoid. The night I took care of tails and you fell asleep, I was crying because I was scared of all the ideas that crossed my mind. This horrible thought of, what am I going to do without Kevin? In a metaphorical way you had become my life support.
The last time I remember being with you was at some bar and it was at the peak of my meltdown. I don 't remember what we talked about, all I remember was you sitting in front of me. You gave me so much comfort by being there because I didn 't have to pretend that things were fine. As you distanced yourself it was

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