Argumentative Essay On Brien Fair

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Rocky D.B. Mrs. Stoneback French I 14 October, 2016 Luxembourg: The Schueberfouer Luxembourg has a very large fair every year called the Schueberfouer. It is a massive fair which has been in Luxembourg for years. It has many rides and shops there. Luxembourg itself is a very small country. A complete contrast as the fair is huge and Luxembourg is small. The history behind the Schueberfouer is very simple but interesting nonetheless. It began very long ago. The Schueberfouer is a massive fair held in Luxembourg every year. The history behind the Schueberfouer dates back to 1300's. It was begun by a count of Luxembourg who was named John the blind. He made it in honor of Saint Bartholomew's day, which was a religious holiday. When the industrial revolution began the use of …show more content…

He was born to Henry VII. He was king of Bohemia. He made the Schueberfouer. It was originally an eight day market that he made. He had a son which he sent off to Paris. He died in the year 1346. He left a lasting legacy on Luxembourg by making the Schueberfouer. Saint Bartholomew's day was the day the Schueberfouer was made in honor of. It is a Christian holiday. It's mainly about food and ale. Its origin was when the Saint Bartholomew was flayed alive. He is the Saint of butchers. There are two things associated with him, one a hospital known as St Bart's hospital, and two the Saint Bartholomew's fair. He is the reason why the Schueberfouer exists now. Without him we would not have a Schueberfouer in Luxembourg. The Schueberfouer was made because of these two people. Without them it would not come to fruition. One interesting thing is that the Schueberfouer has a Farris wheel that did not appear until the 1900's. They have a food that is eaten on this fine day. It is called Fouerfësch, it is whiting in yeast. The holidays mascots name is Lämmy. There are many interesting things about the Schueberfouer. The

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