Did Ancient Atlantis Still Exist?

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Many have spoken about the illuminating question of what exactly happened to the lost continent of Atlantis. This question continues to be the subject popular theorizing on television and all across the internet. Millions are wondering where this land was located, how and when it could have disappeared, who lived there and why these events occurred anyway? No one can be quite sure, but there are many hypotheses that exist in the world as to what truly happened. Some are legitimate scholarly or based of of the scientific method and archaeological works, while others are just true pseudoscience. Many claim earthquakes or tsunamis destroyed Atlantis, the land of the God, Poseidon. Others claim due to geographical features Atlantis is in Spain, …show more content…

Colavito (2013) states that archaeologist Richard Freund claims Plato’s purpose on inventing the continent was in allegorical way in order to criticize the civilization of contemporary Athens. Plato’s dialogues are the only ancient source available to present day archaeology. There has not been a single piece of ancient archaeological evidence to prove the evidence for Atlantis before Plato’s dialogues. Proving that Atlantis truly did exist is something far more advanced than just one piece of evidence to match closely to what Plato stated in his dialogues and claim that location to be where Atlantis was one located. Plato states his evidence is from an ancient statesman by the name of Solon. Solon claims to have been there three centuries earlier and got his information from the Egyptians. For this to be accurate, the relationship between Solon information gathering, Egypt and the unknown site would all have to be proven before even examining Atlantis. To present day, “nothing indicates Egyptian or Greek knowledge of anything like Atlantis prior to 360 BCE” (Colavito, 2013, p. 223). This allegory shows using logic that Atlantis has no proof of ever …show more content…

The straits of Gibraltar is the modern name for the ancient Pillars of Hercules (Fritze,(2009), p. 33). According to the TV documentary Finding Atlantis (Anderson and Ball, 2011), the city of Atlantis is located in southern Spain underneath a marsh. In Plato’s dialogues he also specifically states Atlantis being located just beyond the Pillars of Hercules. He also mentions how the large empire in Atlantis had “subjected parts of Libya within the columns of Hercules as far as Egypt, and Europe and as far as Tyrrhenia. This shows the relationship to the Egyptians with the Greeks. Santorini and Atlantis had a connection as well which proves how the Santorini eruption from Thera to be how Atlantis occurred. All these ideas were just from references of Plato’s dialogues which are credited to be true by so many due to the fact that it is the only ancient source known to man about

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