A Brief Essay On The Seven Wonders Of The World

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7 Wonders of the World Our World is a wonder in itself. Just think about the vastness of the universe. With the millions of stars, the plethora of galaxies and innumerable planets, the universe is ever expanding. And in the midst of all is our world. Our beautiful earth itself is full of hidden wonders that unveil themselves at every turn. The feeling of a cold breeze ruffling our hair, the musky sent of earth after a fresh shower; are all wonders to be appreciated. But there always are those who do not appreciate the little pleasures of life. For them are built the marvels of architectural grandeur. Even from the Ancient times people developed the ability of creating amazing things beyond imagination and some of these are: 7. Lighthouse of Alexandria The Lighthouse of Alexandria was the highest building ever built in the ancient times. This building had a height of 140 m and was thus often referred to as the Pharaohs of Alexandria. With time however nature has played with this unique creation as per its whims and fancies. No effort at restoration has been able to restore it to i...

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