Argumentative Essay On Animal Transportation

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Animal Transportation? The world is made of balance. People, who are taking wild animals and trying to make them as pets are destroying the planet. They do not realize that once the species is gone, the ecosystem that it supported will become sick and die. I know it is happening over seas in Africa and South America, but never thought it would happen in the United States. The article, "Windsor man charged with smuggling 51 turtle in his sweatpants," written by Eric Andrew-Gee from The Star opened my eyes to understand the problem. According to the article, Kai Xu would spend 10 years in federal prison when convicted because he tried to smuggle 51 turtles in his pants across Canadian borders. He carried North American species turtles including: eastern box turtles, red-eared sliders, diamondback terrapins, and others. David Mifsud, a Michigan herpetologist said, "Xu was probably trying to sell them in Southeast Asia, which could be sold for $800 a pop." His plan was foiled when a UPS employee found the brown cardboard box with red letters saying "LIVE FISH KEEP COOL." Then, they called The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). …show more content…

Then he emerged with no bags, but with lumps under his sweatpants legs. They followed him to Windsor-Detroit where the CBSA agents flagged him before entering Canada. All the turtles were returned back to their homes. According Mifsud, "Smuggling turtles across international border is unfortunately an increasingly common occurrence." For reasons unknown, Xu was involved in another turtle smuggling incident. He dropped Lihua Lin at an airport going to China. Fish and Wildlife agents found over 200 North American pond turtles in Lin's luggage. They are now currently detained for smuggling

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