Argumentative Essay On Abortion

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Abortion fuels many controversies. Some people believe an unborn child is an innocent being who should be protected. Others think that the fetus is simply a mass that should be disposed of if and when the mother sees fit. Since the first time the topic of abortion was ever discussed publicly, there have been anti and pro opinions. However, Christian values push me to believe that abortions are selfish acts, murderous crimes, and a quick alternatives for women who do not want to use birth control. I am of the belief that the procedure of abortion should not be legal. Though it is unfortunate, many women use the practice of abortion as a way to avoid any changes to their lifestyle. For instance, Gabriela, age 30, is a single woman who wanted …show more content…

It deserves the same chances as you or I or anyone else. An unborn child is more than a “mass of tissue” or “fetus” or “parasite”. A child is a person who was brought into existence not by its own choice but by the choice of …show more content…

According to Kantian’s Defense of Abortion Rights, prohibiting the act of abortion, and forcing a woman to gestate, violates the formula of humanity against them. In Judith Jarvis Thomson’s article, “A Defense of Abortion”, she states that no one’s right to life entails that another person must submit to unwanted bodily intrusions with the goal of sustaining the former’s life. She also insists that no one human should be forced to be a mere instrument to serve the needs of another human being. Author Monica Casper writes in “The Making of the Unborn Patient” that viewing a fetus as a patient dehumanizes the women carrying them and transforms the women into environments or containers. (Manninen 70-92) However, my belief is that if the woman believes carrying a child makes her less human and more of an instrument for the sole purpose of sustaining the child’s life, she is correct. When she decides to get pregnant or not take precautions, she becomes the sole sustainer of the baby’s life. If she do not desire to become the sole provider for a child, she should take

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