Argumentative Essay On Abortion

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“I 'm pro-choice because I 've never been a fourteen-year-old incest victim pregnant by her father, or a woman who 's going to die if her pregnancy continues, or even a teenager who made a mistake or a rape victim. I want women to have choices, but I also believe that it 's a life, especially once it 's big enough to live outside the womb”(Laurell K. Hamilton). Women around the world have used abortion to control their reproduction at every point in history, and in every known society, regardless of its legality.In the United States, abortion was practiced until about 1880, by which time most states had banned it except to save the life of the woman. Anti-abortion legislation was part of a backlash against the growing movements for suffrage and birth control, an effort to control women and confine them to a traditional childbearing role.This legislation was also a way for the medical profession to tighten its control over women’s health care, as midwives who performed abortions were a threat to the male medical establishment. …show more content…

government and the constitutional movement were concerned about “race suicide” and wanted white U.S.-born women to reproduce.Roe v. Wade (1973) ruled unconstitutional a state law that banned abortions except to save the life of the mother. The Court ruled that the states were forbidden from outlawing or regulating any aspect of abortion performed during the first trimester of pregnancy, could only make a law about abortion regulations reasonably related to maternal health in the second and third trimesters, and could enact abortion laws protecting the life of the fetus only in the third trimester. Even then, an exception had to be done to protect the life of the mother.Abortion should be legalized in the United States for women because they get raped, they are unprepared to take care of the baby, and they have physical and mental

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