Argumentative Essay: Comprehensive Sex Education In Schools

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Sex education in schools is a highly debated subject today, and has always been one. The debate is between having an abstinence based sex education, where it the primary subject discussed is abstaining from having sexual relations until marriage, or having more comprehensive sex education programs. Indeed, there are many benefits to teaching comprehensive sex education classes that educate adolescents on contraception, sexuality, and how to further educate themselves on the subject of sex. That is to say, these programs realize that these students are going to want to have sex, and aim to teach them how to be careful in case they do. Having only abstinence based sex education in schools has a direct connection to increased numbers of sexually Many have the mindset that adolescents having sex should not be justified or condoned. Abstinence education has been given funding for many years and has the support of many people. One important thing to note is that only 7 percent of parents are against abstinence based sex education, and since those are their children receiving that education, their opinion should be taken into account. Many people are just not ready for society to abet information on different sexualities, ways to “play God” with contraceptives, or encourage teenagers to discover things about their bodies on their own. Abstinence education is the classic route and should be taken into account due to its morals, support, and past Though abstinence programs have been the sole type of sex education program funded by the government in the past, comprehensive programs are the future. These programs are much more realistic in discussing options for contraceptive methods and different sexualities. The primary reasons that comprehensive sex education programs are superior to abstinence programs, are that they better prevent STDs, teenage pregnancy, and adolescents having sex in general; all things that abstinence programs falsely claim that they serve better to do. All things considered, would you rather your children to be protected against information, or against being

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