Argumentative Essay: Animal Testing Should Be Prohibited

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As Abraham Lincoln once said, “I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being”. Not only do animals suffer through atrocious treatments and gruesome conditions, thousands of animals die every year at the expense of animal testing. A human being would never be subjected to the types of treatments that animals are put through. Animal testing should be prohibited.
Animals are treated unfairly and put through horrible conditions. They aren’t only perpetually deprived of their necessities, but are also punished when adapting to the awful conditions they suffer through. “The rats were deprived of food or water for 23 hours each day so they would be motivated to press a lever or lick a tube to receive a small reward of food or water. After learning that behavior, they would be shocked through metal …show more content…

Trials on humans are proven to be pointless because it simply didn’t work, so all of the animals sacrificed throughout the process suffered without a key purpose. Experiments have shown that animals can be cured of many diseases that humans can't be cured of (Medical Testing on…). Experimenting on animals not only is unreliable, but futile. “In March, London clinicals injected six volunteers with tiny doses of TGN1412, an experimental therapy for rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis that had been given, with no obvious ill effect, to mice, rats, rabbits, and monkeys. Within minutes, the human test subjects were writhing on the floor in agony.” (Arthur Allen). In many cases there are solutions, that prove to be no solution at all, perhaps even a step back. “In one case, an AIDS vaccine that was shown to be effective in monkeys failed in human clinical trials because it did not prevent people from developing AIDS, and some believe that it made them more susceptible to the disease.” (Medical Testing

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