Argumentative Analysis

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Additionally, there have been warnings from doctors of the problems that can come from too much screen time. The U.S. National Library of Medicine associates too much screen time to troubles sleeping, risk of attention problems, anxiety, depression, and obesity (MedlinePlus 1). Other doctors such as, Dr. Dorothy Barrie, add that screen time is creating vision problems (Barrie 1). “Most American children spend… a total 5 to 7 hours a day (in front of a screen)” (MedlinePlus 1). If schools start to encourage hours and hours of technological learning then it could lead to serious health issues, especially for the younger students. Granted, we do not desire to harm children, electronics in schools will be filling the students with development and …show more content…

They rely on their excuses to limit forward action. Returning to the advantages, lets expounded on the ideas of why digital literacy is so significant. One major reason digital literacy should be applied into elementary schools is to get the children more involved. Technology is exciting and fun. It appeals to the attention span of children. Also, through media learning students are able to not only listen to the knowledge teachers are sharing, but see it and interact with it. Digital teaching methods can be compared to hands on activities. They use more parts of your brain, while you touch, see, read, and listen to the computers. In a study relating media literacy and civic engagement the researchers commented saying, “When students are aware of the importance of media messages in public life and have the ability to both critically question and create messages using new media and technology, they are empowered to become active participants in the process of democracy” (Hobbs 235). This prove that students who are involved in media learning will be more involved in their community. Not only will kids get more involved in the classroom setting, but will use their knowledge outside of

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