Are Video Games Bad For Kids

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Have you ever played a video game before? For most people, in the United States, the answer will be a yes. Over 160 million people (estimatedly) currently are playing video games. Whether they're in the game shooting people, racing people, or even playing a disney princess game it all plays an effect on the concern parents have, "Are video games bad for my child"? For years and years there has been rumors and opinions thrown out for everyone to hear, but the question is, which is the correct one? Kids, along with teenagers, playing video games helps benenfit the way they think about life. It helps them connect in a way they wouldn't be able to if they were just outside throwing rocks. They build a connection with not only themselves but they put themselves into the characters, which is great for the mind to comprehend more than just one outlook. If you still aren't convinced, pay attention to the next time your kid comes home from a bad day at school and instead of lashing out at everyone, does he/she go straight to the video game? If so, that doesn't mean they're addicted, that is their way of getting rid of stress and coping with what they're going through. Their game takes them out of "the real world" and helps them feel better. …show more content…

Yes, they are just games, but nonstop shooting people, watching them bleed and slowly die is not the best outlook for the eyes of your little ones. It can be entertaining for most, but not educational. The shootings that have occured around the United States this past year at the schools were horendous. Many have a strong belief that it's because of the high ranking the video games have for kids. Also, many people believe that kids can gain bad behavior and foul language from the video games, which is not good for young kids to learn in life because it could lead to worse things later on in

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