Are Mothers Affecting The Daughter's Sexuality?

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It seems fair to assume that most young people get some of their lessons and moral influences from their parents. Therefore, we may begin with parental influence, although naturally peer groups will also have to be considered. Which parent has the greater influence in regard to restraining the daughter’s sexuality? The answer appears to be that mothers are the main source of anti-sexual messages for daughters. Several studies have examined communication patterns between parents and adolescents with regard to sexual matters, and these too suggest that mothers have far more contact and influence than fathers. When only one of the two parents communicated with the daughter about sex, it was usually the mother. Mothers talked a great deal with their …show more content…

The mother and the female peer group have both been shown to exert a restraining influence on the daughter’s progression into sexuality. Fathers and male peers seem to have little or no influence. Thus, the evidence regarding direct influences on adolescent female sexuality supports the female control theory and contradicts the male control theory. Female influence is paramount in teaching young women to restrain their sexuality. Male influence is largely absent. Mothers in particular may seek to stifle their daughter’s sexuality to help the daughter avoid the pitfalls of unwanted pregnancy. Mothers may also recall that the female peer group would ostracize or punish girls who went too far sexually, and so the mother may seek to instill sexual restraint in the daughter so as to improve the daughter’s social standing within the female peer …show more content…

One may infer from these findings that the women perceived continued societal pressure on women to restrain their sexual behavior, but this pressure seemed external to them insofar as they did not endorse the double standard themselves. The study suggests that some acts are more acceptable for men than women, and so the overall low permissiveness would have been a constant and thus irrelevant to the perceptions about the double standard. The Sexual

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