Are High School Sports Good For Kids

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Do you or have you played sports? Have you felt the rush you get when you play? Have you felt the excitement sports gives when you are in a game and win? Have you made friends from a sports team? Imagine this. Whether it be a soccer ball, basketball, football, or a hockey ball passed to you, you catch or trap that ball. You're running down the field. You see your teammate ahead and you both give each other that look where you know you have to score because it’s the championship game. Your friend receives the pass and they are going to the net or goal. He/she shoots. The crowd goes wild. The roars of the crowd echo as all your teammates stand up cheering you on. The ball hits the outer area of the field and you run through the ball and score. …show more content…

Many coaches of these sports are not just coaches, they are people who care enough about you to help you become a good person. Coaches help their team to learn about determination, sportsmanship, and an overall good attitude. When you play a sport you have to be determined to win and try your best. Determination also helps with school, because you have to be determined to do good in school and complete your work. In the article, “Are High School Sports Good For Kids”, paragraph two states “...a multi-year study conducted in Michigan has shown that children who participate in sports have increased educational aspirations, closer ties to school and increased occupational aspirations in youth. It has been demonstrated, then, that school sports participation has a number of desirable benefits.” This quote shows the reader that it has been proved for sports to help students with how they act and how they do their work. Wouldn’t you want the same …show more content…

When you begin a sport you might feel like there is one area or maybe even a few areas in which you are not so good at. During the beginning of the season your coach or maybe yourself told you to set some goals so that by the end of the season you can see where you improved. Setting goals also helps you to work harder because there is something at the finish line. In the article “Are High School Sports Good For Kids” paragraph 5 states, “Leading youth development experts contend that one of the potential benefits of sports participation is the development of initiative or the ability to set and go after goals, which is part of the competitive process.” This piece of evidence shows you that setting goals can help you to win in games, but in an educational perspective it helps you get that A or B on your test, classwork, or quiz. Setting goals helps you to work for something, and sports are the reason that students truly understand what you get out of working hard. If you are determined and try your best then you will be able to complete assignments and get good grades. Sports overall are a great way to show students how to set goals, and it shows them what you can truly get out of working

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