Are Athletes Paid Too Much Essay

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Americans always seem to be working to make more money, however, is it worth it? Athletes sacrifice time and their physical bodies to make money. Celebrities sacrifice their privacy and personal space to make money. CEOs sacrifice time and risk financial security to make money. The common belief is that these are the three highest paid categories in the United States. However this is not the case since not all athletes are sponsored by Nike, not all celebrities are in large movies and tv shows, and not all CEOs work at a publicly traded company. The reality is that most of America still works hard and just because athletes, celebrities, and CEOs work nontraditional jobs does not mean their pay is significantly greater. Americans believe that athletes, celebrities, and CEOs are the highest paid jobs in America. This belief is true however the average income of these three jobs is nowhere near what the perception is. Athletes are the most confusing when it comes to pay since people do not factor in that an average professional is only 4.85 years, NFL is 3.5 years, MLB is 5.6 years, NBA is 4.8, and NHL is 5.5 years, (RSVLTS, 2013) United States Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that an average income for “athletes and sport competitors” was only $47,710 (BLS, 2017). People believe that athletes are only the stars you see on television, but this is not the case. Athletes are risking their health for that paycheck. They spend a majority of their lives in the gym or on …show more content…

They only make a little more than average household income. The CEOs, athletes, celebrities that do make millions of dollars are those who worked for it and therefore it is completely justifiable. People need to quit blaming others for their downfall instead of arguing about the pay gap between CEO and workers they should strive to become a CEO. Anything is possible, and everything is reachable with the correct

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