Applied Ethics Response Paper: Legalizin Legalizing Marijuana

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Applied Ethics Response Paper 1 The people that influence are my friends and family, but my biggest influencer is myself because no one can make me do something without myself already wanting to do it. My religious standpoint is atheism because in my opinion religion is a coping mechanism for people who need a purpose to their lives. I think that everyone should have at least somewhat of a moral compass, but I do not believe that everyone should be completely good all the time because that is just being realistic. Logic will always overcome acting on impulses because logic gives you time to consider every consequence and outcome, while impulses you have no idea what will happen only hoping for the best. In this world I feel that everyone either will commit unethical action or consider doing something unethical at least once in their lifetime. …show more content…

Some of the pros of legalizing marijuana are that it is in the medical field it can be use in treatments for several diseases like AID, Epilepsy, and other conditions, and marijuana is not addictive so it the possibilities of substances abuse is not as greater as if it was addictive. Also by legalizing marijuana the crime rate would go down dramatically. Some of the cons would be that someone who uses marijuana still has the chance to damage his or her respiratory system, immune system, and the brain which can leads to health problems. Also it could lead to the over use of the substances by children and adolescents. No one can know for sure what is more ethical to let people smoke marijuana or to keep the ban on it, but the fact of the matter is that either way it is going to be

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