Apache Tribe Research Paper

757 Words2 Pages

The Oklahoma Apache Tribe
Apache is a word that comes from the Zuni word meaning enemy and the Yuma word for “fighting men.” The Western Apache, Chiricahua, Mescalero, Jicarilla, Lipan and Kiowa are the six sub-tribes the Apache Tribe consist of. Each of the sub-tribes are from a different geographical region. There are six regional groups. It’s impossible because of their nomadic nature that there were a lot of names that were used to identify the same tribe. The Angelo theory is that the Apache Indians migrated Southwest from Northern Canada around the 1500’s. The history of the Apache Indians says that this was the other way around and that most of the people who spoke Athapaskan migrated to the North and only very few of them stayed in …show more content…

The children don’t claim the father’s side of the tribe, but they claim their mother’s side. The fathers side of the tribe is counted like distance family. The women would build irrigation ditches and plant corn in them. The crops weren’t very good. It was the women who gathered the cactus fruit and the fruits from wild bushes. The boys were trained for warfare. They could walk for a very long time without any water or food. They also learned how to keep silent, stand guard, and to read smoke signals. The boys would go to war when they were 15 years old. The young girls were trained to do chores around the house by their mothers. The Apache girls that were reaching maturity were honored with the sunrise dance. They did this from early spring to late fall. This was a test of the girl’s endurance and discipline and also a celebration of her reaching woman hood. This dance lasted about four days usually and the girl would dance almost all the time and she would be accompanied with over 100 songs. They would wear ankle wraps while dancing and straps of leather that had bells attached. They put these on their knees, elbows, or ankles as well. They dance to prayers and songs for most of the four

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