Dani Tribe Research Paper

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All around the world different customs are practiced to show love for someone who has passed away. In Indonesia, they amputate a finger to show their love and a sign of grieving. Particularly the Dani tribe, that is located in Papua Indonesia. The town named is Wamena, which is located near the Cyclops Mountains. This has been a custom their for a while. The tribe is located in the Great Baliem Valley, most of the population in the blanks and hill slopes. The bizarre custom has lots of meaning behind it and no certain time that it began. Removing part of your finger seems very bizarre to most people in the world, besides the Dani tribe. “Tribe members have often cut off the top half of one of their fingers upon attending a funeral”(Ikipalin the finger...). When they cut off their fingers, it signifies that they are grieving for a loved one. “There was a cut finger by using sharp instruments like knives, machetes or axes” (Ikipalin the finger...) .Some people cut off the whole finger or just the part where the knuckle ends. The people of the Dani tribe sometimes have almost all ten fingers off. Everyone can decide for themselves, if they want to remove your finger, and too where it would be cut off. Another option is smearing clay or ashes over you face, but cutting your finger …show more content…

They believe that cutting your finger shows, and signifies the sorrow and pain towards the death of someone that meant a lot to you. “ This practice is derived from religious belief ”(Cut Finger, Dani). The people there believe that following this custom shows how strong and united your family is.They often say "Węne opakima dapulik welaikarek mekehasik" or basic guidelines to live together in one family”(Cut Finger, Dani...) As painful as cutting off a finger can be, some cut off their ear to represent more pain they felt when they lost their loved

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