Anxiety In College Students

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Anxiety plays a major role in college students especially when it comes down to testing and student’s GPA. Researchers shows most of this anxiety from students come from emotional dysregulation is an emotional response that is poorly modulated, and doesn’t fall in the range of accepted emotive response. College students reported to have a higher rate of anxiety disorder when it comes to taking any college based test. Anxiety is being in fear, worrying a lot, nervousness, imminent even or something with an uncertain outcome. Some people aren’t able to overcome their anxiety because of the thought of always being anxious. The symptoms that come with anxiety is shakiness and having a very fast heart rate at any time of anxiousness.
Hypothesis …show more content…

My opinion on the research was that they should have included more information on “when” the research was going to be taking place. I also think they should have put a little more detail with the results and clearer understanding of the abbreviations as well. The research is mostly important to college students, because every single day students encounter an exam for different classes which may take a weigh out on them. It can be very depressing for the brain to hold so much information without catching anxiety attacks. This is very beneficial to all college students because there is treatment/therapy for test anxiety. Therapy/treatment can help struggling college students to perform successfully in school and, by improving his/her confidence on a test. This topic also relates to my personal experiences in a way by catching anxiety attacks on a question that I may forgotten either by worrying to much or thinking too hard about. I realize that me having anxiety during testing which made my scores lower than what I expected. I also agree with the study because most of the scores that came back was lower as I expected to be because mine was the same way. My opinion on this topic hasn’t changed it will remain the same, until someone makes a higher test score while having

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