Antony Micallef Research Paper

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Antony Micallef is a British artist. He was born in Swindon, United Kingdom and also receieved his Bachelor of Fine Arts there at Plymouth University. After getting his degree in fine arts, Micallef taught himself how to do graphic design. He was taught by John Virtue, who was a landscape painter. But the knowledge about art truly came from Frank Auerbach, who is a post war painter that taught John Virtue. Micallef has had many solo exhibitions throughout the world. These exhibitions took place is London, the USA, Italy, and Bulgaria. And he has been in more than double the amount og group exhibitions in even more countries over the world. Adding on, his work is shown specifically in institutions such as the National Portrait Gallery, Royal Academy, Tate Britain and the ICA London. I say one of his …show more content…

First, they are both artists currently, of the 20th and 21st centuraries. Although, their personalities are different in the way that Banskyrather have his identity kept a secret, they both produce artwork that looks similar to eachothers. They use similar imagery such as Ronald McDonald, angels, soliders, heart shapes, and also, their use of words and phrases. Both of their artwork comes off as mysterious and brings curiousity to the world. Micallef’s work is most often compared to another painter Francis Bacon. Bacon is an artist that uses geometrical shapes in his paintings. The two seem to be compared by their paintings of the portrait faces. Both artists draw portraits, but us as the viewers are not able to disguinsh who the actual person is. They both use disorted figures as people throught their paintings. Also, their color choices seem to often be similar. They both us a sort of little pinkish color throughout and also, a nude color. They both use a lot of black in their paintings. Francis Bacon was also a surrealist and expressionist

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