Anti-Semitism: The Most Possible Causes Of The Holocaust

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Throughout history there have been many tragic events, but most people believe the Holocaust is the worst. Many events led up to this awful event where thousands murdered and killed because of the hatred against them. The Holocaust was a traumatic time when Jews got treated unfairly and showed how inhuman people can act. During the Holocaust humans no longer got treated like humans and showed the inhuman things leaders do to gain total control.
Causes of the Holocaust Of course, many events led to the Holocaust, but the reasons don’t add up. Anti-Semitism believes the Jews caused the problems through society. Jewish people typically get stereotyped for controlling all the banks. Many people targeted the Jews for Germany’s economic problems. They didn’t blame only economic problems, but also blamed any problems Germany had. The Germans held hatred towards the Jews because they could easily place all problems Germany has on them, even though the Jews didn’t deserve all the hatred they got (“Introduction to the Holocaust”). As a matter of fact anti-Semitism always rises during times of crisis. The anti-Semitisms believed the Jews caused …show more content…

Hitler sent Jews to Concentration camps also known as horrible places where many people lost their lives. The camps held any enemies Nazi Germany had which were German Communists, Socialists, Social Democrats, Gypsies, Jehovah witness, Jews, anyone with Jewish Background, and anyone who went against the beliefs of the Germans. The camps, called concentration camps or killing centers, imprisoned any and all people they thought could go against the German government. They sent able people to do forced labor in labor camps and the went straight to death camps and killed quickly (“The Holocaust”). In order for Hitler to accomplish his final plan he had to use concentration camps and killing

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