Annie Oakley's Argumentative Analysis

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Looking down the barrel of the gun, taking aim, not even breathing, not moving a muscle except for a single finger. Sharp shooters are admired for their incredible accuracy and precision, especially during the nineteenth century when guns were less reliable. The ability to hit small moving objects going at increasingly fast speeds left many people in awe of those with sharp shooting abilities. What proved to be even more incredible than just sharp shooting abilities alone is that fact that women also showed that they could be just as extraordinary marksmen as well as men. Women who had the ability to shoot well were generally thought of as a cowgirl and tough and someone not meant to be trifled with. Annie Oakley and Lillian Smith proved that …show more content…

When Oakley joined Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, Buffalo Bill originally advertised Oakley that since she is a female, Oakley would bring comfort to the women and children in the audience’s, so they have no reason to be afraid of the loud noises from the guns going off. Soon, Buffalo Bill realized that Oakley’s presence in his show would bring about such a large change, not only did his audience size grow, but Oakley started to make a change within society. Oakley promoted females using firearms because she herself felt that a woman’s duty was not just in the home, like everyone else at this time believed because of the separate spheres that men and women believed …show more content…

Oakley’s feminine Victorian demeanor instantly led people to like her. Her talents moved them to listen to what she had to say and want to be a part of the change she attempted to make. So, when she spoke of the idea that other women could do as she had and take part in male dominated activities, people became inclined to listen to what she had to say and give it a try for themselves. Smith, from a very young age, first joined Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, with the reputation of being a shameless flirt. She also became known to be crude and impolite, often using foul language and flashy clothing. Oakley’s example shows a prime example of a woman stepping out of the set gender roles for the nineteenth century and starting the crack to shatter the bowl that society forced women to stay in. Oakley’s abilities inspired many to live how they want, and not to be as society expects them to be. Smith on the other hand, tried to make herself stand out from the very beginning by her looks and her demeanor rather than trying to work hard to earn the respect she wanted. Smith could not help others, or even herself, step out of the sphere of influence because her actions led her to the outcome that all men in the nineteenth century believed would happen if a woman tried to step out of her pre-set gender

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