Anne Frank Research Paper

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Anne Frank Essay In the story anne frank,which took place in the 1940’s, the frank’s and the van daan’s are hiding in the secret rooms of mr.frank’s business and are helped by miep,a dutch woman at the age of 20, and mr,krauler who helps by making sure mr.frank’s business from going under. The 1940’s were a time of panic and grief for people of the jewish religion and others,but the diary of anne frank shows us that even during hard times such as this one people still showed courage,compassion and sacrifice. The definition of courage is the ability to do what frightens one, this means that a person would do what other people fear. In anne frank an example would be when mr.frank went downstairs to see what the noises coming from downstairs were despite the others being frightened when his a burglar broke in and stole property from the business. This is found courageous because while the remainder of the Frank's and the van daan’s were freaking out mr.frank went to make sure everyone was alright. Instead of choosing to be courageous mr.frank could have hid and let the rest of the families deal with the issue themselves. Compassion was also shown to …show more content…

An example of this would be In the story during the Frank's and van daan's stay at the annex,miep gies is 20 and helps mr.frank and his family along with the van daan's hide in the annex. This of course wasn't all Miep did,miep came back everyday to make sure that the families were well and fed when she could have turned against them and told where they were hiding in exchange for money. Miep has not only shown compassion but has also shown

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