Anne Frank Compare And Contrast Essay

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Living during World War Two must have been an awful things to deal with, but imagine being stuck in an attic with your family as a teenager, or having to move away from all your friends and family against your will? In the non-fiction book Diary of Anne Frank by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett tells the story of a girl named Anne who has to move into an attic with 9 others to hide from the Nazi’s during World War 2. Anne isn't liking all of this but soon finds the friends she needs in the attic. In the realistic book The Boy and The Striped Pajamas by John Boyne, it tells the story of a German boy whose father gets promoted and has to move away from all his friends. He doesn’t like moving but soon finds a Jewish boy who lives inside Auschwitz. Both Anne and …show more content…

Here are the three ways Bruno and Anne are similar and different. The first similarity is that they both come from loving, prominent families. Although Bruno’s mother may not show it at times, you can see that she does love him by how she treats him. His father also loves him but he doesn’t really show it, you can see he loves Bruno and his family when he allows them to go back to Berlin because he said it was the best for them. Bruno also says, “The house in Berlin was enormous, and even though he'd lived there for nine years he was still able to find nooks and crannies that he hadn't fully finished exploring yet (Boyne 11). This quote shows that he missed the enormity of the house and how much fun exploring in it was. Anne's family is also very loving towards her, she seems to always be the main topic and what everyone is thinking about. Although her relationship with her mom isn’t as great, you can see love by how the dad treats her. Both Bruno and Anne come from wealthy families. Bruno's

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