Animals Have Feelings

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If a human can feel emotions and react to them, therefore animals can as well. Animals emotions can be described as subjective, conscious experiences, that are characterized primarily by psycho-physiological expressions, biological reactions, and mental states.
Scientific studies have proven that animals do have certain feelings. Scientists believe that certain brain cells in humans called spindle cells are responsible for an individual's social behavior and the interplay between thoughts and feelings. Moreover, in several studies it has been found that many animals posses this certain cell, however animals do not clearly need this cell to present their feelings. Which means that whether this cell is present or not animals do express feelings. Dogs do not have spindle cells, but they have shown behavior that can suggest a human-like social sense. For example: When dogs have shown that they know how to follow a human's pointed finger to find a food treat. Though, this is an action they reacted to, however this may prove that they do have feelings. It is important to realize, tha...

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