Animal Farm by George Orwell

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Animal Farm by George Orwell

"Animal Farm" is George Orwell's rendition of the Russian Revolution

in a smaller scale using an English farm to represent the country of

Russia. At the start of the book, the animals are discussing how much

they dislike their current farm master, Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones is the

owner of Manor Farm, the farm on which all the animals live, and he

represents the Russian Czar regime.

The animals begin to discuss ways that they can overthrow Mr. Jones.

Their discussions represent views that are similar to those of the

organizations and people attempting to overthrow the Czar government

in Russia prior to the Russian Revolution. During the book, some of

the main leaders of the farm

animals show signs of similarity to prominent leaders in Russia. One

of the leaders fighting for power, Napoleon, displays similarities to

Joseph Stalin and another, Snowball, is similar to Leon Trotsky. Each

one of these animal leaders shows similarities in behavior and actions

to their Russian counterparts.

As the book continues, the animals are able to overthrow Mr. Jones and

take control of the farm government for themselves. The animals'

running of the farm is much more efficient than that of Mr. Jones and

his men. For example, when the animals tend to the harvest, they

produce far more product than the

humans ever did on the farm. Napoleon and Snowball work together at

first to govern the farm and its animals. They are able to come up

with a set of commandments for all of the animals and also state that

all animals are equal. However, a fight for power begins between

Napoleon and Snowball similar to that in Russia between Stalin and

Trotsky. Napoleon uses a plethora of propaganda against Snowball to

sway the animals' opinions towards choosing him as their leader.

Eventually Napoleon is able to drive Snowball away by having the dogs

chase him out of the farm making Napoleon the farm's supreme leader.

The animals decide to rename the farm so that their farm will be seen

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